1, 自动送外壳
1, Automatic feeding shell.
2, 自动送中心柱
2,Automatic feeding the pillar.
3, 自动送密封圈
3,Automatic feeding the seal ring.
4, 自动送弹簧(放到外壳内)
4,Automatic feeding spring and put it in the shell.
5, 塑胶盖自动盖帽
5,Automatic cap with plastic cover.
6, 检测盖帽有无
6,Automatic detection of cap.
7, 自动超声波
7,Automatic ultrasonic wave.
8, 小帽自动组装
8,Automatic assembly the cap.
9, 自动下料(良品及不良品下料)
9,Automatic blanking( blanking of good and bad goods)